Policy 3 (software has online high score table)

This game has a method for recording/displaying information about scores and additional data that are accessible to the public. Any information that is entered into the software may be used to augment this data however any data about the device is anonymised.

This data is also made available to interact with. While care has been taken to remove anything offensive the nature of allowing public to submit data (like an alias to go with the score) means it is impossible to strip everything unpleasant from this display because of the huge variety of languages and how rapidly what is socially acceptable changes.

The software does not store any data about you that is not essential for the running of this program.

The operating system or other programs on your device may collect data though we have no control over this and you should read the relevant documents to find out more about this.

The program was developed in GameMaker and as a result you may also want to check their terms and conditions as well as their privacy policy. (link not provided as it is best you go and find their latest one)

I take no responsibility for any damages done by the software or by the use of the software.

I may update this policy so keep coming back for the most up to date version.

If you do have any concerns, problems or queries feel free to contact me.