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Grid Castle
At the moment this is a work in progress project!

This game has no name at the moment and is just some lose ideas put together to see how it plays.

All images are just placeholders!

I have put zero polish into this game and is only the basic functionality needed for me to see how a game like this would work.

Objective :

Don't allow the NPC to move their characters to the left of the page

Don't let your main player get killed

Controls :

WASD keys can be used to move your character
Space can be used to trigger the end of your go without moving

You can drag the people from the red rectangle at the bottom to place them on the grid, this will also pop up a menu to pick their class and weapon.

Buildings can be made by clicking on the light blue boxes on the left side.

If your player dies you will lose all your gold

Notes :

At the moment the game doesn't get any harder. I intend for the game to get harder as you play meaning you have to struggle to keep up

I have sped up the creation of items to make it easier to test

As of writing this the game does crash when your player dies, I guess that is as good as any game of screen for now.

To help people test the game you can press P and M simultaneously to turn on and off debug mode.

There is no saving yet

Is this game good enough for me to carry on working on?‏:

This game was developed when I was just finding my feet and trying to figure out what was fun and understand what made a game gratifying. I made little prototypes with the basic essence of an idea to try and discover what others enjoyed and learn what direction I personally wanted to go in. So contact me if you have any kind of opinion on this game to help me be better in the future.

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